The Book, The Blood, & The Blessed Hope
If you are new to church or searching for an old-fashioned church home, we invite you attend the Midway Baptist Church. We are a family of born again believers growing together in love and faith.
I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 89:1
Please take a few moments and look through our website. You will get a glimpse of who we are and how we share the Gospel of Christ with our community. We have many ministries to serve you and the needs of your whole family. No matter your age we have something for everyone!
As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. John 15:9
There are many opportunities for you here at the Midway Baptist Church. If you are looking for a place you can grow spiritually, we have various Sunday School classes and an old-fashioned Sunday Morning Worship Service. If you are looking for an opportunity to serve others, we have a large variety of ministries. We take Gospel to our surrounding area and around the world. We also care for our church family through fellowship, love, and service. Whatever your needs, Midway Baptist is here for you.

 Something for Everyone at the Midway Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday AM Service

Sunday Worship Service

Our Traditional Sunday Morning Worship service is centered around God Honoring Bible Preaching, and complimented by an enthusiastic and spirit filled song service. We have special music programs, and the old-fashioned congregational song service many of us have grown to love.
Sunday School
Home Builders Class

Home Builders Class

Join us as we open the Word of Life each Sunday Morning in customized class settings for all stages of Christian life. Starting with our youngest in the nursery learning to sing “Jesus Loves Me”, to meaningful and well prepared bible studies in our Adult classes. Midway Baptist Church is ready to meet the needs of your entire family. 
Teen Ministry
Senior High Class

Youth Sunday School

The young people of the Midway Baptist Church are a vital part of our church family, and have an active schedule of events throughout the year. This includes participation in many regular ministries, and fun specialized activities any teen would enjoy. At the Midway Baptist Church a young person can find organised and safe fellowship, with sound Christian teaching.

Open Assembly for AWANA Clubs

Our Church has a an active and vibrant AWANA Clubs ministry on Wednesday night. This ministry runs 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM in our fully staffed Gymnasium. All volunteers that work in any children program at the Midway Baptist Church are individually approved by church staff, and required to pass a complete background check. The safety and well being of your children is our first priority.
Silver Saints
Silver Saints Ministry

Silver Saints Ministry

Our church has a unique and treasured ministry known as “Silver Saints”. Our brothers and sisters over the age of 55 are welcome to join this blessed fellowship every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in our fellowship hall at 12 PM EST (Sept. through May). This gathering has grown over the years, and includes a wonderful lunch, and great fun with seasoned servants of God. We promise that you will enjoy your time at the Silver Saints fellowship.
Bus Ministry
Church Bus

Bus Ministry

We have a thriving bus and van transportation ministry that provides transit to families and children of all ages. This is part of our outreach program, and allows our church to bless struggling families, and at-risk young people. Our bus routes run on Sunday Mornings and for our AWANA Club program on Wednesday evenings. This, like all other children based ministries, is subject to the safety and background check protocols of the Midway Baptist Church. The well-being of each child is our first priority.
Wednesday Bible Study
Bible Study

Bible Study

This special mid-week service (7 PM EST) is crucial to the identity of who we are. Here we will open and truly study God’s Word. Doctrine is carefully explained and in depth expository messages are delivered in a way that easy to understand. This service is also dedicated to special prayer requests. You will be able to share your need with caring believers, and then bring those requests to God in prayer. This service is uplifting for both mind and heart. Please join us, you won’t be disappointed. 
The Midway Baptist Hour
Midway Baptist Hour

TV Studio for The Midway Baptist Hour

Many of our regular and special services are broadcast weekly in our viewing area. This is great way to find encouraging messages that will better equip you through the week.
Air Times:
Sundays 4PM EST
Mondays 3AM EST
Thursdays 5PM EST
Channel 52 Sandusky
Cable Channel 21 Elyria
Cable Channel 6 Lorain 
Junior Church Ministry
Junior Church

Junior Church

We have a Sunday Morning Worship service just for our junior aged children. This special service is designed especially for their age group. It includes interactive lessons, and dynamic teaching lead by our dedicated staff. Children will have a great time and be taught sound Bible doctrine.  
Nursing Home Ministry
Nursing Home Ministry

Nursing Home Ministry 

We have a faithful team of servants that Minister at nursing homes in Elyria and surrounding areas. This is an active volunteer ministry that brings the best of our Sunday Morning Worship services to beloved saints residing in extended care facilities. They sing, praise, pray, worship, preach, and share the Gospel with passion and zeal.

What We Believe



Pastoral Leadership

This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. I Timothy 3:1
These men are God called preachers committed to the cause of Christ and His Church. Each are locally ordained into the gospel ministry and faithfully serve the membership of our church.   
Pastor Rick Keesee
Senior Pastor Rev. Rick Keesee

Senior Pastor Rev. Rick Keesee

Brother Rick and his wife Jenny have been with our church since its very beginning. He is the youngest son of our retired Pastor Charles “Chuck” Keesee. He served as our associate pastor for 25 years prior to accepting the role of senior pastor in 2016. 
Associate Pastor Ken Puskas

Brother Ken Puskas and his wife Morgan have been with our Church since 2014. They lead our AWANA Clubs ministry, and teach the Senior High SS class.  He has been preaching and teaching the Bible for 17 years in local churches, and serves as an associate pastor.

Pastor Emeritus Charles Keesee

Retired Pastor Chuck Keesee

Over 35 years ago the Lord used Pastor Chuck Keesee and his dear wife Sue to start the Midway Baptist Church. With the humblest of beginnings God built this ministry to what it is today. Pastor Chuck is still an active servant and leader in our church.

Info about Jeff


YouTube Videos


Midway Baptist YouTube Channel


Visit the Midway Baptist Church This Week

 Service Times
See Our Weekly Bulletin QR In Link Below
Sunday School 10:00AM
Sunday Worship 11:00AM
Sunday Evening 7:00PM
Wednesday AWANA Clubs 6:30PM
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00PM

Our Location

We are located near the corner of Lake Avenue and Griswold Road in Elyria Ohio.
41812 Griswold Road
Elyria, Ohio 44035


Ways To Give
  2 Corinthians 9:7   Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.


It’s simple and secure. Whether you’d like to give a single gift, or schedule ongoing donations, you can do it all online, using your checking account, debit, or credit card.
QR Code Donate Link
Follow Secure Link Embedded in this QR code with your mobile device.
By Mail
Feel free to mail any donations to our church address Midway Baptist Church, 41812 Griswold Rd., Elyria, OH 44035
During A Service
At every one of our worship services, we will have an opportunity to give back to Jesus through His local church.


Our Location
Midway Baptist Church
41812 Griswold Rd.
Elyria, Ohio 44035
PH. (440) 324-3769


The Midway Baptist Church Mobile App

The Midway Baptist Church has a mobile app that you can use to listen to our audio, video and browse a calander of events. 

Our Calendar